
Robs Shop

make me an offer I can't refuse

Is this a joke? No, this is for real.

Big Love.
Robin Bäckman

Contact me(ät)robinbackman.com

Lightning payments

don't route at the moment

I put all my investments on the Gonzo Pi, so I chose to close all channels, which I regret now ;) anyways I believe in you! plz open a channel to me 🙏

here's my node on lightningnetwork.plus

and here's the address:


if you do open a channel you'd be my hero!

this shop is free-software also made by me, clone it from here it works with CLN, web.py


back to intro


Toyota Carina II



Great car, if not the best. 1992 Some rust problems

product: Toyota Carina II
category: Antiques

SOLD OUT! check back later.



powered by CLN, thiswebshoprules and web.py