
Robs Shop

make me an offer I can't refuse

Is this a joke? No, this is for real.

Big Love.
Robin Bäckman

Contact me(ät)robinbackman.com

Lightning payments

don't route at the moment

I put all my investments on the Gonzo Pi, so I chose to close all channels, which I regret now ;) anyways I believe in you! plz open a channel to me 🙏

here's my node on lightningnetwork.plus

and here's the address:


if you do open a channel you'd be my hero!

this shop is free-software also made by me, clone it from here it works with CLN, web.py


back to intro


Buy me coffee


I know, I am awesome, so are you! Thanks!

product: Buy me coffee
category: Support

Price 2680 Satoshi ~ 2.5 € add to cart
Available 10081 pcs


Tobacco seeds


Nicotiana rustica


Grow your own tobacco. This is the famous Palturitupakki eli Kessu. I have grown it everywhere in my garden! Very nice flowers.

Shipping you 10 seeds in the mail.

product: Tobacco seeds
category: Seeds

Price 5360 Satoshi ~ 5.0 € add to cart
Available 98 pcs


The Way Of The Burkinabé


Burkina Faso translated would be "The Land of the Upright People". I have traveled to Burkina before and also back then I was filming a documentary and would like to go back! although making my very own documentary with you as the producer, my hands where kinda tied last time. So there it is! Become my producer while I go to Burkina Faso and learn the way of the Burkinabé. 80% of population is self-sufficient so I go with them helping them raising crops while making a documentary about the real Burkinabé. Also, the spirit of one of the coolest leader ever lived Thomas Sankara is still alive, I know, I witnessed it everywhere. I'll tightly co-op with you, if you want. Although I can't guarantee anything else than to make this film as authentic as possible about Burkina.

product: The Way Of The Burkinabé
category: Film

SOLD OUT! check back later.


Jamaican Rastafarian


I have always been interested by the Rastafarian music and culture. So, by becoming my producer I go to Jamaica for a month and make the best Jamaican Rastafarian film of course with the Gonzo Pi. As the producer I will tightly co-op with you on my adventure. Although I can't guarantee anything else than to make this film as authentic as possible about the Rastafarian Jamaicans.

Make sure you watch the Jamaican movie Rockers before becoming my producer.

product: Jamaican Rastafarian
category: Film

SOLD OUT! check back later.


Save me from bankruptcy!


I've put all my savings on Gonzo Pi and I'm now facing bankruptcy although Gonzo Pi is better than ever and is probably gonna survive with or without me, it's just too awesome and it's clearly the future innovation in filmmaking. It's the best camera I have ever owned and I've owned a lot of them, both consumer cameras and professional ones. I have put all my time, money and effort to make it the best it can be. Although I am now facing bankruptcy and can't continue developing although that's all I want to do and make films with it.

I have tried to get investors but they have clearly not gotten the idea of the Gonzo Pi and always want to change it in ways I don't like. Then what's the point? I still believe in good people and that there's money in this. I have never been a money man though. I follow dreams and ideas, so long I get to work on the coolest idea I'm happy.

But, I have by doing this put myself in a position where I might loose everything I own (I did it in a way on purpose and are facing it now). SO this is sort of a last resort.

Hey! just go to work! yeah, it seemed like that to me too, at first. But here's the thing, I'm a self thought programmer and have no official education and I'm facing a hard time getting any jobs, I don't even get to any interviews! I've thought Gonzo Pis innovation and all the rest of what I've been innovating on would get me somewhere but I've been wrong and have to face consequences now. Although my living doesn't cost that much, the jobs I've been offered is very very low paying jobs.

I know there's goodhearted people with money so that's why I'm asking. It's never wrong to ask is it? Maybe you'd also like to become my producer on a film at the same time? Brilliant? yes!

product: Save me from bankruptcy!
category: Support

SOLD OUT! check back later.


Write me a short film


Write me a five page film and I do it. As a writer and producer you can get involved with the filming if you like.

product: Write me a short film
category: Film

Price 595644 Satoshi ~ 555.55 € add to cart
Available 6 pcs


Toyota Carina II



Great car, if not the best. 1992 Some rust problems

product: Toyota Carina II
category: Antiques

SOLD OUT! check back later.



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