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Gonzo Tux

Robin Bäckman

I'm a maker who love film, writing code to optimize flow, jamming to be in the moment, gardening to stay healthy.


Future is FOSS


Welcome to my site running on my bare-metal Debian GNU/Linux server. Sometimes I go by the name Rob, rbckman or Bebin Rockman.

contact me by mail at me@thisdomain or chat on Matrix

Want to buy me pizza? or buy real stuff from me, become my producer or support me with bitcoin, nice! thanks 🙏

Want to hire me? ok, let's see here's my CV



Optimization and workflow are essential working with computers. They are here to make our lives easier after all. I program mostly in Python but if the task needs to run non-interrupted and crazy fast I write C code. My Debian GNU/Linux server is running this website with Apache2 and I also run my own email server with Postfix and Dovecot, contacts and calendar with Radicale, end-to-end encrypted chat with Matrix and internet radio with Liquidsoap and Icecast2. And you guessed it, yes, I also run my own bitcoin node which runs my own webshop here.

I've been into computers and writing code since I was a kid and installing Linux on all my computers since 2008. The sky isn't even the limit of what you can do with micro controllers like Arduinos or small embedded Linux machines like Raspberry Pis they are already in space. I have converted broken fridges to usable ones, built over-the-internet controllable bakery ovens, code locks, controllable pressure cookers, log measuring tools and the all-in-one filmmaking tool, the Gonzo Pi. More of my code is available on my own hosted git and on github.



Film visions came to me at an early age. Me and my brothers decided to save money and buy a VHS camera. And so we started making short films. They got to act with me mostly behind the camera. Back then we used a video RCA input on a TV card to edit our footage on the computer.

My passions were combined some years ago when I started building an open-source 3d printable camera, the Gonzo Pi with which you can shoot, cut, dub and combine footage. It can also flip the lens 180 degrees pointing at the filmmaker "Gonzo mode" and uses the Raspberry Pi, hence Gonzo Pi. With a near 8mm sized sensor making it perfect for old 8mm film camera lenses. As I started using this device I realized this is the way to go. Making films on the go.


Scoring and Jamming

Always been a jammer and always will be. Just letting go and sing or play whatever comes is one of the best way to be here and now.

I've scored films and plays and worked as a sound and light technician. Guitar is my main instrument but I play whatever it takes to get the vibes and the grooves. Me and my friends are jamming on our own internet radio station.



There ain't a greener deed than putting seeds in the ground. Growing my own food and raising chickens is challenging but the rewards can't be compared and the taste is just so much better.

I find the way of Permaculture best in my garden and find the teachings to be very valuable, like designing the land such that there is what nature needs to do the work for you. Water is life.



Thanks for stopping by



young rooster lookin at the big boss




Gonzo Pi





Am I gonna get the shot?
